Do I need a licence for my project?
If you answer YES to ANY of these 19 questions your undertaking will likely require a water licence.
IWB Step-by-Step Licencing Process and Flowchart
Direct Use of Water
- Is this a municipality or camp use of water that exceeds a volume of 50m3 per day?
- Is this a power generating facility that will use water for electrical generation (hydro or geothermal)?
- Is this a mine or mill that will use water for:
- Milling?
- Leaching?
- Other uses at a volume greater than 100m3 per day?
Note that disposal of minewater constitutes a use or a waste depending on the circumstances. In either case a licence may be required.
- Is there any other use of water greater than 100m3 per day?
Instream Water Activities Within a Watercourse
- Are permanent instream flood control structures part of the undertaking?
- Does the undertaking include the diversion of a watercourse that is greater than two (2) metres wide at the ordinary high water mark at the point of diversion?
- Does the undertaking include alteration of the flow, or storage, or water by means of dams or dykes?
- Will there be a watercourse crossing (e.g. pipeline, bridge or road) where a watercourse is greater than five metres wide at the ordinary high water mark at the point of crossing?
Deposit of Waste
- Does the undertaking involve placer mining or gravel washing?
- Will there be any direct or indirect deposit of waste (including mine water) to surface waters from mining or ore milling?
- Will there be any deposit of municipal waste from a sewage collection or treatment system serving more than 50 people?
- Will there be any deposit of waste from a camp or lodge with a capacity for more than 50 people per day, or any direct of indirect deposit of waste to surface waters?
- Will there be any deposit of waste in conjunction with oil and gas exploration or oil and gas production, refining or processing?
- Will there be any deposit of waste in conjunction with hydrostatic testing and/or cleaning of used storage tanks and/or pipelines?
- Will there be any deposit of cooling water that contains biocides or conditioners?
- Will there be any direct or indirect deposit of waste to surface waters from any other industrial undertaking?
Effects on Existing Users and the Environment
- Will this undertaking interfere with existing rights of other water users or waste depositors?
- Will this undertaking have a potential for significant adverse environmental effects?
Watercourse Training
Watercourse training includes channel and bank alterations, placement or removal of culverts, spurs, erosion control, dredging and artificial accretion. A water licence is required if the answer to any of the questions posed in item 19 (below) is “yes”.
- Is the watercourse continuous (i.e. water in it year round) and does it satisfy one or more of the criteria below:
- Is the watercourse greater than 5 metres wide at the ordinary high water mark?
- Does the undertaking involve drilling or infilling of a water course that has no inflow or outflow and a surface area greater than 0.5 hectares as measured during open water?
- Does the undertaking involve removal (dredging) of greater than 100m3 of material?
- Does the undertaking involve infilling of greater than 100m3 of material into a watercourse (i.e. for boat docks or wharfs)?
- Is the cross sectional area of the watercourse significantly changed at the point of removal or placement of material?
Click here to learn more about the applications process.