Numéro de licence


Entité de licence

MGM Energy Corporation

Statut de la licence


Type de licence



Type B - MGM Energy (Assigned from EnCana to MGM on October 16, 2007) Umiak N05 Drilling Program (within a two kilometre radius of Lat. 69 24' 97.1" N and Long. 134 16' 22.6" W), Crown Land - Drilling Sump (Permanent) Licence Term: Oct. 1, 2004 – Sept 30, 2010 Renewed: effective date - October 1, 2010 and Expiry date - February 28, 2011 Note: The Umiak N-05 remote drilling sump (N-05 Sump) GPS Coordinates as specified in "MGM Energy Corporation - 2015 Environmental Site Monitoring Report, Site: Umiak N-05 Sump, March 2016, Page 1-1, Section 1.1: Latitude: 66 25' 9.344" N Longitude: 134 16' 9.829" W

2004 Questionnaire

2004 EISC Screening Report

2004 Application for Water Licence

2007 Application for Assignment

2005 Reasons for Decision

2010 Reasons for Decision

2004 Water Licence

2007 Assignment of Water Licence

2010 Renewal of Water Licence

2004 QA/QC Plan

2007-08-03 Modified Depths of Thermister String

2010-07-19 Notice of Field Activity

2010-07-13 Reminder of Water Licence Expiration

2010-07-29 Request for Return of Security Deposit

2014-05-14 Notice of Field Activity

SNP November 2004

SNP January 2005

SNP February 2005

2005-01-18 Inspection Report

2010-08-23 Inspection Report

2013-08-26 Inspection Report

2014-07-31 Inspection Report

2016-08-15 Inspection Report

Sump Inspection Report 2017

2004-12-31 SNP Report

2004 Annual Report

2008 Annual Report

2009 Annual Report

2010 Annual Report

2005 Sump Report

2006 Sump Report

2007 Sump Report

2008 Sump Report

2009 Sump Report

2010 Sump Report

2011 Sump Report

2013 Sump Report

2014 Sump Report

2015-04-17 Response to 2014 Sump Report

2015 Sump Report

2016-05-03 Information Request

2016 Sump Report

2017-05-05 IWB Response on 2016 Sump Monitoring Report